Captain America #448 (February 1996)

This issue concludes Mark Waid and Ron Garney's first extended storyline in Captain America, which began in issue #445. So far, our hero was revived by Sharon Carter (whom he had long believed to be dead) and the Red Skull (who provided the blood transfusion that saved him), all to save the world from the... Continue Reading →

Captain America #445 (November 1995)

This issue reveals (finally) what happened to Captain America after he appeared to die and then disappeared in issue #443, his still body glimpsed only at the last page of issue #444, along with two shadowy figures whose identities are revealed here as well. All in all, this is the proper first issue of Mark... Continue Reading →

Captain America #443 (September 1995)

This is it, the final issue of Mark Gruenwald's epic 137-issue run on Captain America, starting with issue #307 in July 1985. I'll pay tribute to Gruenwald at the end of his post, but for now, let's focus on Captain America himself, who has really been going through it lately. Cap started feeling weak in... Continue Reading →

Avengers Annual #23 (1994)

In the final annual of the original run of Avengers, the team faces the dual threat of Loki and Pluto, who engage in the time-honored strategy of switching foes, with Loki taking on Hercules here while Pluto deals with the Odinson in Thor Annual #19. Captain America's failing health, consistently referenced in his appearances still... Continue Reading →

Avengers #372-375, Darkhawk #37, Silver Surfer #93, War Machine #1, and Warlock and the Infinity Watch #26-28 (March-June 1994)

Like the previous Avengers post, this one is a catch-all of sorts, gathering all of Captain America's appearances with the team these four months—and the number of them is quite impressive, considering his reduced physical capabilities (explained in March's Captain America #425). We'll see in the Avengers storyline that he is even less active in... Continue Reading →

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