Captain America #168 (December 1973)

This issue is a fill-in story, written by Roy Thomas and Tony Isabella before regular writer Steve Englehart's epic "Secret Empire" storyline begins, and it both recaps Captain America's current status and introduces a villain who will become a major player once he truly embraces the family business. (And before you ask, the Phoenix in... Continue Reading →

Marvel Team-Up #13 (September 1973)

This comic is the first team-up book featuring Captain America, and serves better as an example of how Marvel did team-up books versus DC than a meaningful Cap story as such. Future issues of Marvel Team-Up with Spidey will do much better by Cap (I cited both #106 and #128 in my book), and his... Continue Reading →

Captain America #164 (August 1973)

This issue is a prelude of sorts to a tale that sees Captain America and the Falcon facing the Yellow Claw, a villain from the 1950s who makes an appearance here after being pursued by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. in the pages of Strange Tales. But first, we introduce a new villain to the Marvel... Continue Reading →

Captain America #163 (July 1973)

In this issue, as the cover indicates, we meet the Serpent Squad, who are actually more imposing than their name suggests (and who become a fixture in the title for many years). More important for our purposes, we also meet a conscientious objector, who butts heads with... well, you may be surprised who. After a... Continue Reading →

Captain America #160-162 (April-June 1973)

These three issues (re)introduce an important character only glimpsed once before, as well as adding new wrinkles to Captain America's relationships with both the Falcon and Sharon Carter. Issue #160 opens with Cap and Sam fighting some random thugs, and Cap reminds us of his new super-strength (picked up in the last storyline), although not... Continue Reading →

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