Avengers #340 (October 1991)

Compared to most fill-in issues, Avengers #340 is very good, presenting a welcome and enjoyable team-up between Captain America and the Wasp that actually offers much of interest to this blog and its fine readers (even if the premise of the story is somewhat contrived). The issue opens at a celebration of the Avengers' public... Continue Reading →

West Coast Avengers #64 (November 1990)

This issue of West Coast Avengers (or Avengers West Coast, tom-ay-to tom-ah-to) is a done-in-one in the spirit of the recent Captain America #379 and Avengers #325, and is also a Captain America/Human Torch team-up book in spirit (if not execution). Any time Cap gets to interact with one of his fellow "Big Three" Invaders... Continue Reading →

Marvel Fanfare #31-32 (March and May 1987)

This two-part story is quite a curiosity: Written by longtime Captain America scribe J.M. DeMatteis and plotted with penciller Kerry Gammill, it functions as a team-up between the Sentinel of Liberty and Frog-Man, an offbeat character introduced by DeMatteis and Gammill in Marvel Team-Up #121. In issue #31, we first see Cap saving the man... Continue Reading →

Captain America Annual #8 (September 1986)

This annual is significant for (at least) two reasons. First, it is the first significant meeting between Captain America and Wolverine aside from brief interactions in team and event books, most notably Secret Wars, and later retcons, such as Uncanny X-Men #268, which show them meeting during World War II. Second, it marks the return... Continue Reading →

Captain America #266 (February 1982)

This issue wraps the team-up between Captain America, Spider-Man, and Nick Fury begun in the last issue, in which Cap continues to be overly dramatic, using some lines best saved for the Red Skull on Sultan, a would-be world destroyer-slash-dictator. Naturally, this issue begins with the cliffhanger left over from the last, in which Nick... Continue Reading →

Captain America #265 (January 1982)

This issue, the first installment of a two-part storyline, seems more like a Marvel Team-Up story: It features Spider-Man almost as much as Captain America, and even brings in Nick Fury for good measure. But for a straightforward superhero tale, this issue and the next contain plenty of commentary on Cap's ethics, even if some... Continue Reading →

Marvel Two-in-One #82 (December 1981)

This issue marks the last appearance of Captain America as the titled guest-star in Marvel Two-in-One, the Thing's team-up book. Also featured in the book is Bill Foster, a character introduced in Avengers #32 who later became Black Goliath, and at the time of this issue was the second Giant-Man (and would next revert to... Continue Reading →

Marvel Team-Up #106 (June 1981)

This is a fairly straightforward team-up comic, with the star-spangled guest-star not even appearing until halfway through, and then engaging in a traditional battle alongside the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man against the Scorpion. Nonetheless, as with most of Captain America's guest appearances, his virtues are highlighted throughout, both by Spidey as well as the narrator. When... Continue Reading →

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