Captain America #445 (November 1995)

This issue reveals (finally) what happened to Captain America after he appeared to die and then disappeared in issue #443, his still body glimpsed only at the last page of issue #444, along with two shadowy figures whose identities are revealed here as well. All in all, this is the proper first issue of Mark... Continue Reading →

Avengers Annual #23 (1994)

In the final annual of the original run of Avengers, the team faces the dual threat of Loki and Pluto, who engage in the time-honored strategy of switching foes, with Loki taking on Hercules here while Pluto deals with the Odinson in Thor Annual #19. Captain America's failing health, consistently referenced in his appearances still... Continue Reading →

Captain America #401 (June 1992)

This issue of Captain America serves as a coda to the "Operation: Galactic Storm" event that started in issue #398 and ended in last month's Avengers #347. It's also one of the most significant comics we've covered so far at this blog—and if you've been following along in recent posts, you can guess why. After... Continue Reading →

Avengers #347 and Thor #447 (May 1992)

As of this supersized issue of Avengers we arrive at the conclusion of the "Operation: Galactic Storm" event, and it does not disappoint—except for Captain America, who is very disappointed in the decisions taken by some of his fellow Avengers, which will have serious consequences for years to come (starting with next month's Captain America... Continue Reading →

Avengers #345 and Iron Man #278 (March 1992)

We continue the "Operation: Galactic Storm" storyline with the month's installments of Avengers and Iron Man. (Thor #445, the last comic in the rotation this month, does not feature Captain America at all, which is simply incomprehensible.) With these two issues we see some more significant disagreements between Cap and the rest of his teammates... Continue Reading →

Captain America #381-382 (January-February 1991)

These two issues wrap up the three-part story about the "trial" of Diamondback (aka Rachel Leighton) by the Serpent Society, who accuse of her treason for consorting with Captain America. In the last issue, they convicted her to death, but their former leader Sidewinder appeared before her execution and transported her away. Meanwhile, Cap was... Continue Reading →

Captain America #380 (December 1990)

This issue launches a three-part story featuring Rachel Leighton aka Diamondback, who was mysteriously abducted from outside Avengers Mansion in the last issue... and from the cover it's clear who did it and why. Although much of the issue deals with Rachel and her former crew, there is plenty of Captain America material to cover... Continue Reading →

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