Captain America #434 (December 1994)

With this issue we begin the final trilogy within the "Fighting Chance" arc, tracing the final stages of Captain America's physical decline as yet another new hero is introduced, whom you see on the cover. (Don't let the mask fool you, it's not Grifter.) Our story picks up where the last issue left off, with... Continue Reading →

Avengers #370-371, Captain Marvel #2, Marvels #2, Thunderstrike #4, and Plasmer #3-4 (January-February 1994)

This is a catch-all post, gathering a handful of minor appearances of Captain America over these two months. We start with his very minor role in a two-part fill-in Avengers tale, followed by Monica Rambeau's second Captain Marvel comic (coincidentally, this post appearing one week after her excellent new miniseries as Photon began), the second... Continue Reading →

The Incredible Hulk #406 (June 1993)

This issue of The Incredible Hulk sees Captain America intervening in the case of his longtime friend and former sidekick, Rick Jones, who is suffering over the fate of his girlfriend Marlo Chandler, recently killed and then brought back to life but remains catatonic (for which no one could blame her). Eventually the big green... Continue Reading →

The Adventures of Captain America #1 (September 1991)

This amazing four-part miniseries—the first devoted solely to Captain America—is written by Fabian Nicieza and drawn by master of facial expressions Kevin Maguire, and elaborates significantly on Cap's earliest days, providing additional details and emotional weight to Steve Rogers' desire to serve his country, the Project Rebirth procedure and the training that preceded and followed... Continue Reading →

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