Captain America #444 (October 1995)

"Where is Captain America?" is the question that leads off Mark Waid and Ron Garney's first run on this title, following Mark Gruenwald's 137-issue run that ended last month. The conclusion of that issue will be recapped below, so for now I'll just say that this issue is more of a tribute to Captain America,... Continue Reading →

Captain America #433, Avengers #380, Force Works #5, and Justice: Four Balance #3 (November 1994)

This issue of Captain America completes the third trilogy in the "Fighting Chance" arc that details Captain America's deteriorating health as his super-soldier serum breaks down. Here, Cap-with-Pouches, Diamondback, and new hero Free Spirit (Cathy Webster) are fighting their way out of Baron Zemo's castle, with the last issue ending with Cap barely escaping one... Continue Reading →

Avengers Annual #23 (1994)

In the final annual of the original run of Avengers, the team faces the dual threat of Loki and Pluto, who engage in the time-honored strategy of switching foes, with Loki taking on Hercules here while Pluto deals with the Odinson in Thor Annual #19. Captain America's failing health, consistently referenced in his appearances still... Continue Reading →

Avengers #370-371, Captain Marvel #2, Marvels #2, Thunderstrike #4, and Plasmer #3-4 (January-February 1994)

This is a catch-all post, gathering a handful of minor appearances of Captain America over these two months. We start with his very minor role in a two-part fill-in Avengers tale, followed by Monica Rambeau's second Captain Marvel comic (coincidentally, this post appearing one week after her excellent new miniseries as Photon began), the second... Continue Reading →

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