Captain America #237 (September 1979)

This issue serves as an aftermath to the six-issue storyline, which began in issue #231 and ended in the last issue, involving Captain America fighting against the white supremacist Grand Director (who ended up being someone from his past—see the last issue if you don't know who), his National Force, and the man behind it... Continue Reading →

Captain America #235 (July 1979)

This issue continues the story of Captain America's fight against the white nationalist Grand Director, his National Front, and Dr. Faustus, which began in issue #231, as well as Cap's team-up with Daredevil, which started in the last issue. Much of this issue involves Cap and DD escaping various forms of peril, culminating in—as you... Continue Reading →

Captain America #234 (June 1979)

For most of this issue, Captain America is not himself, having been brainwashed by Dr. Faustus into cooperating with the white nationalist Grand Director and the National Force. It takes the help of New York's favorite son, Daredevil, to bring him back from the brink... but not before he makes a powerful statement supporting hate... Continue Reading →

Captain America #233 (May 1979)

As we continue the story, begun in issue #231, of Captain America fighting the white nationalist Grand Director and his National Front, we finally learn the identity of the person behind the hate movement (who was glimpsed in silhouette in the last issue) as well as a hint as to who the Grand Director himself... Continue Reading →

Captain America #232 (April 1979)

This issue continues the story of racial hatred on the part of the Grand Director and his National Force begun in the last issue, including some very odd Dark Knightish behavior on the part of Captain America, a solid page of introspection on his part, and most immediate, an answer to the fate of Peggy... Continue Reading →

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