Avengers Annual #23 (1994)

In the final annual of the original run of Avengers, the team faces the dual threat of Loki and Pluto, who engage in the time-honored strategy of switching foes, with Loki taking on Hercules here while Pluto deals with the Odinson in Thor Annual #19. Captain America's failing health, consistently referenced in his appearances still... Continue Reading →

Captain America #424 (February 1994)

This is the last issue of Captain America before the game-changing "Fighting Chance" storyline begins, and it sees our hero reunite with Diamondback at long last... as well as one of her former Serpent Society colleagues, in a story that reminds me of classic Spider-Man tales in which a member of his rogues gallery is... Continue Reading →

Captain America #402-403 (July 1992)

These two issues launch the summer of 1992's six-part biweekly storyline, "Man and Wolf"—and if you don't know what this, you can all too easily guess. It's not a particularly ethically deep story—especially compared to the last issue—but we still find things to discuss, more so in the first half than the second (which we'll... Continue Reading →

The Adventures of Captain America #1 (September 1991)

This amazing four-part miniseries—the first devoted solely to Captain America—is written by Fabian Nicieza and drawn by master of facial expressions Kevin Maguire, and elaborates significantly on Cap's earliest days, providing additional details and emotional weight to Steve Rogers' desire to serve his country, the Project Rebirth procedure and the training that preceded and followed... Continue Reading →

Captain America #380 (December 1990)

This issue launches a three-part story featuring Rachel Leighton aka Diamondback, who was mysteriously abducted from outside Avengers Mansion in the last issue... and from the cover it's clear who did it and why. Although much of the issue deals with Rachel and her former crew, there is plenty of Captain America material to cover... Continue Reading →

Avengers #325 (October 1990)

This issue serves as a bit of a breather after "The Crossing Line," told in the previous six issues, and also as the conclusion to the Avengers Support Crew tale from the back-ups in the same issues (including the one featuring Peggy Carter in issue #322). There, the members of the Crew were brainwashed by... Continue Reading →

Captain America #371 (June 1990)

After this pivotal, cataclysmic, universe-shattering issue, nothing will ever be the same... as Steve Rogers and Rachel Leighton, otherwise known as Captain America and Diamondback, go on their first date. ("As friends," wink wink.) A couple of Rachel's friends from the wrong side of the law play chaperone, but not in the way you might... Continue Reading →

Avengers #224-227, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16, The Incredible Hulk #277-279, and Vision and the Scarlet Witch #3 (October 1982-January 1983)

These four issues of Avengers contain little Captain America content, ethically interesting or otherwise: The first reveals a new relationship within the Avengers, about which Cap has opinions; the next two contain an adventure in 12th century Avalon with the Black Knight; and the last one regards the new Captain Marvel, introduced in the Amazing... Continue Reading →

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