Avengers #274-277 (December 1986-March 1987)

These four issues (together with issue #273) comprise the classic storyline in which Baron Zemo assembles a new line-up of the Masters of Evil and invades Avengers Mansion. It's a cracking good story with an emotional ending for Captain America, but as with many Avengers stories, he does share time with the rest of the... Continue Reading →

Captain America #322 (October 1986)

This issue serves as the aftermath of the last one, which ended with Captain America shooting a terrorist ULTIMATUM agent to stop him from massacring hostages in a monastery in the Swiss Alps. Like the last issue, Captain America #322 is one of the most cited comics in my book, due largely to the fact... Continue Reading →

Captain America Annual #8 (September 1986)

This annual is significant for (at least) two reasons. First, it is the first significant meeting between Captain America and Wolverine aside from brief interactions in team and event books, most notably Secret Wars, and later retcons, such as Uncanny X-Men #268, which show them meeting during World War II. Second, it marks the return... Continue Reading →

Daredevil #233 (August 1986)

This final issue of the legendary "Born Again" storyline in Daredevil, by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli, finds Captain America helping Matt Murdock battle against the Kingpin's final attempt to break him. Although the entire Daredevil story is deservedly heralded as a classic, the portrayal of Captain America in this issue is simply stunning, and... Continue Reading →

Avengers #270 (August 1986)

This issue mostly follows up on the protests over Namor joining the Avengers that we've seen in recent issues, and, as one of his oldest friends—one of his only friends, really—Captain America is affected personally by this. (Am I reading too much in the cover, or could it be a bit of an homage to... Continue Reading →

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